bambu Living
Embracing Renewal and Growth: Celebrating the Year of the Wood Snake
January 23, 2025
In the Chinese zodiac, 2025 is the year of the wood snake, a rare confluence of animal and element symbols that occurs only once every 60 years. This year will be associated with wisdom, transformation and living in greater harmony with nature.
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July 8, 2013
The Portland Business Journal – In the Trenches with bambu: Born in Oregon, proudly made in China
We started with a single idea, a lot of passion, and a bit of blind courage: To turn people onto renewable materials, and to lessen the impact we place on...

February 15, 2012
Putting a sustainable supply chain to work
There is a reason that this post is written from our work base in China. It is where we feel we have the best opportunity to influence and be involved...

January 16, 2012
Fair Trade Comes to Visit Bambu in China
Fair Trade Original is our partner organization representing bambu in The Netherlands. We are thrilled to be associated with this group. Fair Trade Original, formerly Fair Trade Organization incorporated in 1959,...

January 10, 2012
Absolutely Fabulous. bambu hits the English airwaves
Another bambu product sighting....this time from England. On BBC, on one of the highest rated shows, Absolutely Fabulous! Yes, absolutely fabulous, we say. Make no mistake, that is our fabulous...