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How Gratitude Can Transform Your Mental Health
While saying "thank you" might not feel like a big deal, science shows that being grateful can truly change your life. Gratitude has been proven to lower blood pressure and boost the immune system. And when it comes to your mental health, the benefits are just as great.
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The Biggest Little Farm: The Return
10 years ago, John and Molly Chester gave up L.A. life to pursue farming on a barren piece of land. Now, the "Biggest Little Farm" is hardly recognizable. This heartfelt look into the real creation of a regenerative, biodiverse farm will leave you astounded by what can be accomplished in a decade.
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Start A Container Garden
Pining for green space, but don't have a yard? Use container gardening to grow plants in the space you do have–balcony, rooftop, or even your windowsill. This beginner's guide will bring your green thumb to life in no time.
What we're celebrating this month...
What we're doing this month...

It's spring cleaning season, we're welcoming in the fresh air, and we're keeping it free of harsh chemicals and microplastics.
How? By using plastic-free cleaning products and all-natural cleaning solutions.
From The Blog...
Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning, The Wabi-Sabi Way
Tired of cleaning your house one week, only to see the mess reappear the next one? Take a note from the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, and learn how to create a clutter-free home that'll last all year.
Your Kitchen Cleaning Tools Have A Dirty Secret
That classic yellow sponge? It might clean your dishes, but it's not as clean as you might hope. In fact, studies show that it's most likely dirtier than your toilet. And that...is just the start.